Wow: fascinating. Especially about the hijras. Also: When are you going to write your memoir? Quite a life! And you’ve only written about a tiny portion of it here.

Yes, as you said, Wokeism stems from 1960s French philosophy, particularly Derrida and Foucault, as you said. The problem is: Millennials, who started this new brand of extreme Wokeism, were in many ways trying to reach back to the radicalism of the sixties. Thing is we live in very different times. In the sixties there were real problems: Police brutality; civil rights; gay rights; Vietnam; etc. Now, most of those major problems have been more or less solved, both culturally and legally. (Thankfully.) I think Millennials desperately wanted Their Own Era of Radicalism. They tried with Occupy Wall Street, and with Bernie Sanders, #MeToo, transgender and racial activism.

But, since our nation is so wealthy and privileged, and since most of the major problems they’re trying to fix have already been solved, or are being solved now, in desperation they had to fictionalize, lie, invent. They had to invent non-existent problems. They had to invent oppression. They did this by gaining a power-hold on media, using social media, creating a leftist radical cult, using psychology, and, their favorite: By using public shaming and moral righteousness. They became The New Religion.

Problem is they come off to 85% of us as exactly what they are: Confused, well-intentioned, naive spoiled brats who wish things were different than they are. Every generation rebels against the one that came before. That’s healthy and normal. But in this case, the generation as a whole failed. At least with Wokeism. The good news is that millennials have grown up. I’m one myself; I’m 40. And generations yet to come will no doubt push back against the foolishness of young millennials and Gen Z extremism. It’s a historical seesaw; what goes up must come down. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Anyway, thanks for the deep dive. Keep up the good work.

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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